Poached Quince


In season, versatile and the ideal winter meal addition, this week’s blog looks at the old fashioned quince. Most of us know Maggie Beer’s quince paste as something to be enjoyed with biscuits and cheese, but this ancient fruit is steeped in history. Originating from Persia and spreading through the Mediterranean, the quince was prized by ancient civilisations for its taste and fragrance. The “golden apple” of Greek mythology, it was often a ritual item in wedding ceremonies and a symbol of love and fertility.

The seduction of quinces however is not in their appearance. A lumpy looking fruit with yellow furry skin, their appeal is in their cooked form when their flesh is transformed into a beautiful hue of pink with a wonderful sweet fragrance. Their use is endless but our favourites are poached quinces, quince tarts, quince paste, quince pickled with roast pork, and quince jams and jellies. Available in most supermarkets and fruit shops, quinces cannot be eaten raw due to their acidity and astringency. Select quinces that are firm with a smooth skin.

To get you started our head chef, Greg Haynes, has shared his delicious poached quince recipe:

Poached quinces

  • 1.8kg quince
  • 2.5 litre water
  • 1kg sugar
  • 1 cinnamon quill
  • 2 star anise
  • 3 cardomon pods
  • 2 cloves


  1. Combine water, sugar and spices together and bring to the boil in a medium saucepan
  2. Peel quinces, cut into quarters and remove core
  3. Place quince in syrup, making sure they are submerged under the liquid
  4. Simmer gentle, for approx 2 1/2- 3 hrs or until quince turn purple/red colour
  5. Cool in the liquid and then store under syrup in the fridge

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